So here is what I bought.

This is tencel yarn (it is made from wood fibers). The colors don't show up very well in the picture, but it is very pretty. It will make a beautiful leafy shawl.

This is Habu Cotton. It feels like paper on the skein, but knits up into a very soft fabric. I'm going to make a scarf out of it. Hopefully it will be easy to knit with and won't break. I think just about everyone in our group bought some of this. This booth also had banana fiber yarn and some with cotton and steel in it.

This is the same yarn I used to make my gloves with. I got another skein so that I could make a matching scarf. I'm sure that there will be enough left to knit something else too.

Of course I had to buy some sock yarn. I think this skein will make a perfect pair of socks for fall.

I couldn't resist getting the Noro yarn. This one is 100% wool and it was half price! Who couldn't resist such a great deal. Not sure what I'm going to do with it but I'm sure it will be something pretty.
Melissa bought some nice blue wool to make a sweater. She also got some of the Habu, two skeins for a scarf and 4 skeins of a pretty light teal color for a sweater. Yes she did get sock yarn too. She also got a drop spindle and two skeins of roving.
A lady in one of the booths handed me a handful of roving and last night Melissa tried out the drop spindle. Here are the results, four yards of chunky yarn. Pretty good for a first try don't you think?
I'm itching to start a new project, but I promised myself that I wouldn't cast on anything new until I finished at least one project that I have on needles. The Blueberry Waffle socks are almost done so maybe next week I can dive into the new yarn.
Now it's time to get back to scrapbooking. It has been too long since I've made any pages and the pictures are piling up!